Setting up and adapting companies and other legal entities
Mergers, acquisitions and partnerships (including due diligence investigations)
Financing, personal securities and collateral
Shareholders and directors
The founder/shareholder of an e-learning company was buying out a major (co-)shareholder and asked for our assistance. In this case, the dispute related to the policy to be pursued within the company.
After agreeing to the transaction, the other party is refusing to deliver on their commitments relating to the sale of their shares. It transpires that a third party is suddenly also interested in buying these shares and wants to offer a higher amount. Ultimately, proceedings at first and second instance are necessary in order to force the other party to deliver on their commitments.
Thanks to our wide range of experience in overseeing mergers and acquisitions and carrying out proceedings in that field, the buy-out was ultimately successful. The founder has full control over his ‘own’ company again.